Peer Assist

What is peer assist:

Goal: To transfer knowledge
It is collabarative, the task is to leran with andthrough the team or person who called the assist
It is a problem solving/working session
It is reciprocal


  1. Default_profile_3_normalimwg10 Pete Cranston joins #imwg10 by skype to talk about africa agknowledge
  2. N755499314_4881_normalanjarasmussen #imwg10 users do not know what they not know
  3. N755499314_4881_normalanjarasmussen #imwg10 the library is a trusted place
  4. Cmi-eng-mini_normalcmi_no Ipad on external screen try screensplitr TVOut2 I think the first one is easiest.#imwg10
  5. N755499314_4881_normalanjarasmussen #imwg10 is the definition of a library books? Or how do change the concept
  6. N755499314_4881_normalanjarasmussen #imwg10 what do you do when you not on the budget for next year. Reinvent your selve?
  7. N755499314_4881_normalanjarasmussen #imwg10 the role is changing it is now demand driven or is it really!
  8. N755499314_4881_normalanjarasmussen #imwg10 we have started the peer assist session on the future of libraries