Capacity Building in libraries

Key Note speak on Capacity Building in libraries by building south-south-north collaboration by Ane Landøy and Ole Gunnar Evensen, University Library of Bergen, Social Science and Humanities Faculty


  1. N755499314_4881_normalanjarasmussen #imwg10 is gender issues our northern problem? Should we accept it been ignored? Is it better to have trained staff
  2. N755499314_4881_normalanjarasmussen #imwg10 good will from content providers and locally form staff and management
  3. N755499314_4881_normalanjarasmussen #imwg10 challenge of ict, pc labs etc. Things do not always work as we expect, electronic content local hosting might be the solution
  4. N755499314_4881_normalanjarasmussen #imwg10 challenge of transparency, budgets, trust, understanding and balancing between our way and the Sudanese
  5. N755499314_4881_normalanjarasmussen #imwg10 lessons learned institutional support, gender issues, cultural difference, trust, learning experience, transparency in all respects
  6. N755499314_4881_normalanjarasmussen #imwg10 third project library and information training centre at Juba university. Kick off next week. Funded by the embassy
  7. Default_profile_3_normalimwg10 Educating Librarians for the future - experinces on this project in Southern #Sudan #imwg10
  8. N755499314_4881_normalanjarasmussen #imwg10 new project in South Sudan educating librarians for the future
  9. N755499314_4881_normalanjarasmussen #imwg10 training of staff only two library trained staff. Exily campus and library, frozen library in Juba protected by one staff
  10. N755499314_4881_normalanjarasmussen #imwg10 a partner project goal to establish a library service for research and education with relevant literature
  11. Default_profile_3_normalimwg10 Univ of Bergen library cooperation with Juba Uni #Sudan library automation project #imwg10
  12. N755499314_4881_normalanjarasmussen #imwg10 norwedian libraries collaboration with libraries in Sudan
  13. Default_profile_3_normalimwg10 Management interest as Makerere University rose in Webometrics as a result of digital repository #imwg10
  14. N755499314_4881_normalanjarasmussen #imwg10 the project created a good collaboration between library and university management
  15. Default_profile_3_normalimwg10 Univ of Bergen Library presenting cooperation with Makerere University #Uganda Digitising, #Dspace repository, Staff exchange#imwg10
  16. N755499314_4881_normalanjarasmussen #imwg10 dspace and digitizing the. Collection of music "old and rare material"
  17. N755499314_4881_normalanjarasmussen #imwg10 Bergen university library working together with Makerere university library. Starting with a card catalogue digitalization project
  18. Default_profile_3_normalimwg10 University of Bergen Library Intro video #imwg10
  19. N755499314_4881_normalanjarasmussen #imwg10 Keynote speak On capacity building in libraries building south south north collaboration