Bernd Introduced a variety of devices now using the internet. A combination of sensors, display devices and applications. From Intelligent kitchens with Twiitering toasters and Web Fridges to Mobile applications superimposing virtual reality on the real world.
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- imwg10 #imwg10 Links to the internet of things
- focussinfo #imwg10 Bangladesh the infolady as an example on use of the technology in rural health using the internet /via@anjarasmussen
- imwg10 #imwg10 mobile application in Bangladesh - InfoLady
- anjarasmussen #imwg10 Bangladesh the infolady as an example on use of the technology in rural health using the internet
- imwg10 Social media enthusiasts are more social people generally.#imwg10
- imwg10 #imwg10 Internet of things - Phones, Locations, LCD displays, Twittering Toasters, Internet Fridges, Art, Doorbells and Rabbits see site
- wesselim #imwg10the internet fridge
- olaroth #imwg10 internet of things
- wesselim #imwg10 noise tube measuring noise in the city. iphone glucose meter: diabetes little helper.
- olaroth internet of things #imwg10 also check out #bigben
- wesselim #imwg10 why would i connect my doorbell or toaster to the internet ? Bernd explains
- anjarasmussen #imwg10 the twittering toaster: I am toasting I am done toasting!!!!
- anjarasmussen #imwg10 augmented realities are part of IoT barcodes containing information and urls to more information
- wesselim #imwg10 isbn as internet of things avant lalettre
- wesselim #imwg10 crazy people connect their vacuum cleaner to the internet. others try to save energy ...
- anjarasmussen #imwg10 all the things that can tell the Internet stuff or anything that provides input from the real world
- anjarasmussen #imwg10 sensors that feed information to the Internet
- anjarasmussen #imwg10 IoT is the things that is happening outside the old fashioned computer
- anjarasmussen #imwg10 after a few technical difficulties Bernd Wunsch starts the Intenet of Things session
- wesselim #imwg10 leaving the boring old box (pc and monitor) for the internet of things, because all devices have internet on it.